With Virtual Private Server gaining more popularity as it costs like shared hosting and features like dedicated hosting. You can’t hold yourself choosing the one for your business. But before you choose any hosting provider. You must ask a couple of questions to your hosting provider, as hacks and ransomware are becoming more prevalent and are a cause of concern for most businesses looking for safe and secure hosting services.
Here Are Questions You Must Ask Before Choosing A Web Server
What Kind Of Security do You Provide?
A reliable Hosting Provider must integrate SSL Certificate (Secure Socket Layer) in their plans, and it is usually offered free of cost. SSL certificate would keep the data between the website and website visitors fully encrypted. It can keep the vital data such as credit card and debit card details of your customer fully safe and secured. There are many SSL certificate sources available in the market, such as DigiCert, Geo Trust, and Let’s Encrypt, that your provider must be using. An efficient provider must also provide a regular scan for malware attacks, spam ware, etc.
Can You Scale Up Or Down Your Resources?
There could be instances where your plan might need scaling up due to the sudden traffic on the site due to some seasonal offer or because of the proficiency and better performance of your website; in that case, a slow server can cause a big loss to your business. Ask your provider if you can instantly scale your resources. It can also go the other way round; let’s say after one month of buying a plan, you realize your current usage of RAM is not properly utilized, and you can ask the provider to scale down the resources.
How Early Do You Respond?
Yes, it is the most important concern as most of the providers usually don’t respond after you buy plans with them. And most of them respond only online through chats on the website. But there are some web hosting providers like VNET INDIA, whose team usually responds in 5 minutes, and they are available to their customers through 7 different channels such as chat, call, WhatsApp, team viewer, any desk, email. They have gone the extra mile in making their communication for their customers convenient by introducing customer support in seven different languages.
Who Is Responsible For Outage?
In that situation, you must understand and investigate if the company would hold itself responsible in case the outage happens and whether they are answerable if the outage is beyond their control. This is one important aspect as many of the website owners don’t know the technicalities and functionalities of the website. And if you are taking a Fully Managed VPS, you must have clarity before buying the plan.
What is the Backup policy of your company?
An important question to ask, yes, many companies provide daily backups, and some provide weekly backups. And sometimes, you are allowed to choose a third-party app, or if the backup within the plan doesn’t seem sufficient, you can take back up in the form of ADD ON.
Wrap Up
Once you are determined to choose safe VPS hosting for your business, your hosting provider will acknowledge your needs and will provide you with a customized solution for your business.
If you are looking for a reliable hosting provider, VNET INDIA is the right place. Feel Free to contact us.