Difference between Web Server and Application Server
Server in all is a place where all kinds of programs, data, files and information is allocated. The transferring of all the requested files is given accessibility from here to reach the required.
Websites are hosted by servers and these websites are collection of web pages. The whole concept of hosting, storage and space is initiated with server.
Basically, there are two kinds of servers:
Web Server
Application Server
We will look at each one separately to point out specifications and understand the concept of each one specifically:
Web Server
There are two major things to be noted while reading about web servers:
A Web Server is a computer system that hosts website
A Web Server has a separate and specialized Web Server Software
The major difference between a normal computer system and a Web Server is that, A Web Server computer isn’t so until and unless it has a mandate internet connection all the time and systematic software to facilitate the functioning.
One Web Server can host multiple websites or it can be solely dedicated to one user. In Shared hosting and VPS, the server runs for many websites and in Dedicated Hosting, it is all for one. It definitely varies with cost and requirements.
Useful for:
Hosting websites and domains for clients
Facilitating Web Pages
Managing other required resources
Example of Web Server Software
Apache HTTP Server- The most popular one running almost 60 percent websites, has the ability to run on windows, Linux, Unix MacOS etc
IIS (Internet Information Service)- developed by Microsoft
Jig Saw Server
Light PD
Application Server
Application Server is very precisely and specifically designed to run some special applications which require intense processing for programs.
It is more like a savior for requirements and resources which isn’t available directly on the Web Server and database.
Used For:
Running specific Web Applications
Hosting a Hypervisor that manages Virtual Machines
Distributing and Monitoring Software Updates
Processing data files and information sent from another server.
Examples of Application Server:
JBoss Enterprise Application platform
Apache Tomcat
Apache Geronimo
How is an Application Server different from a Web Server?
Application Server has processing power and artificial intelligence to run the demanded application away from the ordinary. It provides an environment to process specific and rare demands of resources and files. It is a substructure of software with dynamic processor for responding to not-so usual requests by the web client.
Example of application server running:
A cloud Server may use to process a data for Windows and a Linux based server can provide web interface for cloud service but it cannot run the windows application. Therefore it may send the data to a windows based application server.
A web Server responds to the data which is immediately available and is called a readymade output of the request. A web server cannot respond or process for special requests. In that case the web server will transfer the load to static database and in turn to the application server.
How does Web Server works in comparison to an Application Server?
We will study the working by analyzing the whole running method:
The web client who needs the service of hosting a website sends the http request to the web-server asking for some pages on the website or any other resource. If the requirement of the web client is available with the Web Server, it will immediately respond.
Now, if the required or relevant service is not available with the Web Server then the Web Host would look into static Database, if possible, fetch the file from there and respond to the request of the web client.
There can be a scenario when the required request is not available with the database. In that case, the request requires some processing.
From here, the Application Server comes into action. Now, the database will send a request called Servlet request to the Application server.
Servlet is a mini java code or program which runs with a Web Server.
Application Server is required only when some intense processing is required which the Web Sever fails to facilitate.
When a Web Server is compared to an application server, all the comparative data which can be extracted is that:
Application Server is independent as a resource provider but Web Server is dependant for responding in terms of unavailability of data.
An application server has a well-processed environment which is powerful and lucrative when compared to web server.
A web server is a tangible resource provider with web server software, but an application server is intangible and combination of different application software.
Hoping, we could reach out to you and resolve your doubt. We hope to have facilitated you with a good introspection of the difference and individual definition and tasks.
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